EXAONE 3.5 is a collection of instruction-tuned bilingual (English and Korean) generative models ranging from 2.4B to 32B parameters, developed and released by LG AI Research.

2.4b 7.8b 32b

18.6K 2 months ago

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37cddd3bd818 · 375B
{{- range $i, $_ := .Messages }}
{{- $last := eq (len (slice $.Messages $i)) 1 -}}
{{ if eq .Role "system" }}[|system|]{{ .Content }}[|endofturn|]
{{ continue }}
{{ else if eq .Role "user" }}[|user|]{{ .Content }}
{{ else if eq .Role "assistant" }}[|assistant|]{{ .Content }}[|endofturn|]
{{ end }}
{{- if and (ne .Role "assistant") $last }}[|assistant|]{{ end }}
{{- end -}}