A compact and efficient vision-language model, specifically designed for visual document understanding, enabling automated content extraction from tables, charts, infographics, plots, diagrams, and more.

vision tools 2b

26K 3 weeks ago

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{{- /* Tools */ -}}
{{- if .Tools -}}
{{- range $index, $_ := .Tools }}
{{- $last := eq (len (slice $.Tools $index)) 1 }}
{{ . }}
{{- if not $last }}
{{ end}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{- /* System Prompt */ -}}
{{- if and (gt (len .Messages) 0) (eq (index .Messages 0).Role "system") -}}
{{(index .Messages 0).Content}}
{{- else -}}
A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.
{{- end }}
{{- /*Main message loop*/ -}}
{{- range $index, $_ := .Messages }}
{{- $last := eq (len (slice $.Messages $index)) 1 }}
{{- if eq .Role "system" }}
{{- else if eq .Role "user" }}
{{- else if eq .Role "assistant" }}
{{- if .Content }}
{{ end }}
{{- else if eq .Role "assistant_tool_call" }}
{{- else if eq .Role "tool_response" }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Add generation prompt */ -}}
{{ if $last }}
{{- if eq .Role "assistant" }}
{{- else }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}